Shortlist Portrait Talent 2020

For the third time, the Rabo Photographic Portrait Talent is awarded to the maker of the best portrait series made in the past year. The prize is awarded by the Portrait Gallery, Rabobank and the Pictoright Fund as an incentive to a student or professional who has worked as a photographer for under five years at the time of submission. 

Fourteen longlist portrait series have been selected from over 100 submissions. This year, the jury was particularly impressed by the high quality, so four instead of three series were shortlisted.

The energy of the young generation of photographers can be felt in their work. They are very good at making choices and selections; the work often looks concentrated and well-defined.

Finalists: Hajar Benjida, Vera van Dam, Colette Lukassen and Sterre Fenna van der Waals.

Jury 2020
Chair: Bart Rutten (Artistic Director Centraal Museum, Utrecht)
Verily Klaassen (Head of Art Affairs, Rabobank Netherlands)
Sybren Kuiper (Graphic designer)
Philippien Noordam (Senior Art Advisor/Curator at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Robin de Puy (Winner Rabo Photographic Portrait Prize 2019)